After being stood up for my 1st study in the morning (some service issues are universal! haha) I met my English student to help him study his Watchtower for the meeting. I'll be completely honest, going into our study I kind of suspected that his main reason for wanting me to meet him was more to improve his English for free than to actually learn the lesson, but that pre-judgement has left me feeling pretty guilty. After our study he put his hand on his heart and said, "Wow, I have much emotion!!! This is the best study we have ever had!" I will not take it personally at all that he prefers learning about the Bible more than my lessons in English because I definitely enjoy TEACHING the Bible more than English!
My other study, Desmond, is doing really well too. He told me on our first study about a month ago that his main reason for wanting to study is because he wants to learn to read better. His reason? He says he has been called by God, but he wants to know how to read the Bible so he can preach it's message. Well we can help with that!! Like many Africans, he has a deep respect for God and His Word. He accepts anything we share from the Bible. A few times after we have read a scripture he has asked, "but if this is what the Bible says than why do the Pastors teach something different?" In fact, my other study Gladys asked me the same thing when we were talking about the Cross and idol worship and she read Exodus 20:4-5. Good question! All we can do if share what the Bible Teaches-each of us has to choose what to accept.
I posted this my my facebook, but I'll share it C&P style here:
So a few weeks ago Arielle Kristine and I were doing search work and we were buzzed into an apartment where some college students live. The girls that met us at the door ended up not speaking English but said their roommate did so we left a tract for them to give to the roommate. Then, because I am apparently a ridiculously unorganized and forgetful pioneer (Whoops)...I never went back. Today we decided to recheck some names and I finally remembered the college student. We were buzzed in again-and AGAIN by a student who didnt speak English but was super nice. She invited us in and told us there are now TWO Americans living there. After being distracted by their super cute bunny (I swear I don't know why Jehovah lets me pioneer) I finally noticed that taped to the door of the American student's room is the Peaceful New World tract I had left the last time!! Say what?!? The angel with us was probably banging his head against the wall! Haha. So I dont know whats going to come from this call, but it was a good lesson in Jehovah directing the work despite His imperfect servants!
In other news, the camps are supposed to be closing at the end of this month. We have 4 baptized brother currently living in the camps as well as many studies. None of us know where they are going to go when they close. Kindness told us today that they might let them SLEEP in the camp for a few more weeks, but there will be no more food or hot water for bathing provided. They are all teaching me a valuable lesson in DON'T FREAK OUT cause they all seem pretty chill about it...Kindness even insisted on buying my coffee today on his study. He is currently looking forward to giving his first talk in the school!! Maybe in June. If we start practicing now I really think he can do it. His reading has improved so much and he is very excited about being on stage. I think Arielle and I will miss the whole thing cause we will be crying too much when that day finally comes!!
Ok, so I know this post is already super long, but I just want to add one more thing. This week in the Jeremiah book we talked about Jeremiah's choice of friends, and we were asked to examine our own friendships. Our COBE asked us to think about our friends what ask ourselves, "what draws me to this person?" I have to say that I feel so priviledged to be part of a congregation and group where I can truly say that my friends are those who have the same love for Jehovah and are willing to make so many sacrifices in His service. I am humbled by their examples-hopefully I will be just like them when I grow up :)
OK basta-here are some pics!!

Kennedy, Kindness, Me, Arielle on our study today

Pioneer Meeting with the Elders

The return of Jon!!!
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