Yesterday it snowed about 5 inches, and today another few inches. In Atlanta that would mean the city shuts down for a week, but here in Bologna we PREACH ON!! But who am I kidding??? I'm still a little bit of a baby and just did my studies inside where it's nice and warm :)
Arielle and I met my study Desmond at the Sala Borsa library in the Centre for his study. I have to say that I really love using the Listen to God brochure to teach! What a gift from Jehovah to help us teach people the truth in such a simple way! I actually find myself using it now even on my studies in the Bible Teach book because the pictures seem to really help people make clear and remember what they are learning. Today we talked about Jesus and the sufferering he endured in our behalf and how today we too may have to suffer or be persecuted when we try to do the will of God. He said that he wishes that God would just strike our persecutors down right then and there so that people would KNOW that we are His servants. We shared that rather than needing that way to identify us as Jesus' true disciples, we follow the words of John 13:34-35 and let our love for one another identify us. I think that way is a lot better :)
So when my Aunt and Uncle were here in December they saw my crappy winter coat that was super thin and knew I had no money to buy myself a warmer one so they treated me with a BEAUTIFUL down coat from Zara. I honestly don't know what I would have done without that coat!! But, two days ago the zipper totally busted (right in time for all the snow!!!) so I have been walking around with my coat open like a crazy person. I am accompanied by Arielle who also has a zipper that doesnt work-she has to step in and out of her coat because the zipper is stuck at the bottom. Oh!! And to top off our crazy appearance as a duo-she tripped in the snow this morning and broke her boot in half but solved the problem by wrapping a hair tie (purple btw) around the toe to hold it together!! We were quite a pair today!! But we did find a place to fix both of our zippers- 4 euro yo!!! Super excited-I almost kissed the lady when she fixed it!!
Last night after a LONG day of work and service my English student asked me to meet but this time to teach him the Bible. His request was followed by a long "PLLEEEEAAAAASSSSEE!!!!!" How can I say no to that??? So we arranged to meet after he got off work tonight. Arielle and I had some much needed "chill time" (also known as let our socks dry out time) before we went out yet again in the crazy snow. We studied for two hours after which he was like "I can't believe how fast time goes when we study!!" We covered so much today-my head is spinning!!! He has so many questions that he is constantly apologizing for asking. We kept assuring him that it's great that he is asking questions!! But since English is not his first language and he really knows almost nothing about the Bible, it takes a lot of effort to make everything as simple as possible. Questions like, "Why didn't Jehovah kill Satan immediately?" "Why did Jehovah put the tree in the garden and ask them not to eat from it?" "Why do we have to suffer because of the sin of Adam and Eve?" "What kind of structure will God's Kingdom have?" and the list goes on!! With the combination of our third coffee of the day and Holy Spirit, we were able to answer all of his questions using the Bible. I also assured him that he would be able to get all his questions answered as he continued to add "bricks" to his wall of knowledge. It's so cool to have a study like this who really WANTS to know the answer to all these questions!! There are still people out there thirsting for the Truth.
We finished with Daniel at almost 9pm and I went home to rest my brain. Haha. At 10pm as I was about one sentence into this post my American student study who moved back to the States asked to skpye. Again, how do you say no?!?!? So we did!! After about 5 minutes I realized that it was more than just a "let's just catch up" skype sesh so I suggested that we have a study. She said that was just what she needed. We went through the first half of the chapter about baptism in the Bible Teach book. I can't believe how far she has come!! We only have a chapter and a half left! I am so proud of her!! I feel so privileged to have been handed her request for a bible study back in September. She knows this is the Truth and it is becoming so real to her. She even said she is starting to picture herself in Paradise! I can't wait to be there with her!! I told her to remember this day because one day we will be sitting on a beach somewhere together with not a care in the world...and know it's just the beginning of forever ;)
Much love to everyone!!

Hi Kimmie! My husband and i read your blogs today, love them! We are from Oregon and we want to come help in Italy in the English congregation. Could i get your email so i can email you and get more info about Italy and the things we need to do? Thank you for your excitement and encouragement! Keep up the great work Bella! Your sister Heather Goebel
ReplyDeleteNice to meet you Heather! My e-mail is Fire away with your questions and I'll do my best to answer them! Thanks for your zeal! You will love your service here!